Rolling Stone’s Magazine – Research

As I am very interested in music I typed into google, music based magazines and the first thing that came up was the Rolling Stones Magazine ( which I had obviously heard of before but realised that I basically knew nothing about it. To purchase the actual Magazine all you have to do is dive down into the website and it is sold for less than £10.

The Rolling Stones magazine started off based on music in 1967 and still is a musical magazine but as time moved on they decided to focus on other creative areas of the world and since the modern age with new technology and especially the internet the magazine in my opinion has become more political.

I would describe the Rolling Stones Mag as very punchy and adapts to the change in the time very well. The most infamous thing about the publication is most definitely the covers of the magazine as they’ve all sorts of famous celebrities such as Mick Jagger (Singer from the Rolling Stones) to NBA Basketball star Kevin Durant.

I think the main thing that attracts me to this zine is that there is so much interesting information involved about the celebrities and topics that are in the magazine and it is probably the most well known publication in the world so thy don’t struggle to get information through interviews or find celebrities as ‘everyone’ wants to be on the cover of the Rolling Stones Magazine. It was also interesting to learn that the magazine actual has nothing to do with the famous band ‘The Rolling Stones’ in fact the band and the publication are named after a song called Rollin’ Stone by Muddy Waters.

I think the Rolling Stone Magazine is what many magazines are aspiring to be one day especially from a popularity stand point. I would say for me especially for this Co-Lab final piece I and my group should aspire to create as high quality images as possible so that our ‘zine’ looks as professional as it can possibly be.


I’ve decided to analyse this cover image from the Rolling Stones Magazine of the singer Bruno Mars. The reason I am going to talk about this image is because it is a slightly different cover to the well known portrait with a white background and bright red ‘rolling stone’ in the background. This image of Bruno Mars highlights him very well and this was around the time that Mars decided to slightly change of style and style of music so that it is very colourful and the photographer has shown this perfectly with what he is wearing and his vibrant and punchy surroundings.

The image has no deep meaning to me but I love the bright and vibrant colours in this image and even though I wouldn’t have every image similar to this in the magazine I would certainly have one or two so they stand out and grab the reader’s attention.

Magazine Companies

You can order as many as you want however the starting price is Twenty Four pounds so you would have to buy at least 50 copies and then sell them to make a profit. If you only wanted one magazine then you could go to the blurb website where they sell one magazine with 20 pages for Four pounds which is obviously easier if you aren’t looking to sell the magazine.


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