Co-Lab Proposal

Colab Project Proposal

Name Zakariah
Pathway ED Photography
Project Title CoLab
Section 1: Outline Project Concept (Approx 150 words)

What are you planning to do? Who will you be collaborating with? Who will be doing what?

I am planning to do a magazine that has 25 pages. This will mean that each person in our group will be given five pages each to fill out for themselves weather that is via images they have shot, information they have researched etc or both. I will be collaborating with Merryn, Henry, Sterenn and Erin and instead of having a specific theme in this magazine we will be focusing on different genres and aspects of photography whilst not only collaborating with each other but other students from different courses. For example if one of us was interested in art and the photography aspect of art then they could collaborate with a few art students. The front cover of our magazine is going to be reasonably simple with a very simple/basic title as long as it still grabs the reader’s attention. We are also considering a black and white macro portrait image for the front cover. I will be contributing a variety of images towards the magazine mainly because we are focusing on a lot of different genres in photography. My aim is to shoot one musical based piece, one sports/action based piece and one portrait based piece. Sterenn is going to be focusing on street photography and homelessness. Erin will be doing sport photography, Henry will be focusing on landscape photography and Merryn will be doing focusing on macro photography. We will all pay for each copy that we have made.
Section 2: Rationale (approx 50 words)

How will your plans help you meet the brief. What things are you hoping to achieve?

Being in my group and planning/evaluating what we are going to will help meet the brief as planning will get force us to really think about what we are going to do, what we want to do and how we are going to do it in the best way possible. This is also a chance for our group to be more organised so that we don’t get stressed or panic about weather we have enough time or not. Hopefully by planning we will make sure that we have enough time and finish the magazine with loads of time spare to go through and double check everything. Through this I am hoping that the group work will help me become more organised in general and give me a bit more confidence when working with others. I also hope to achieve a magazine/zine that is to a high quality so that I as well as other people can enjoy reading the zine. I think our audience will be anyone who is genuinely interested in photography and what people(us) have to say about different aspects of photography. I know I am meeting the brief by working in a group as the brief is to collaborate.
Section 3: Evaluation (approx 50 words)

How will you evaluate what you have done? What aspects will you be evaluating?

To evaluate our zine, we will make sure to document everything we do and everything that goes towards the process of making our magazine. This will also include the challenges we faced when making the magazine so that it is easier to evaluate when we need to. There are many aspects of what we could evaluate. As this whole term is based on collaboration I think it would only be fitting if we evaluated how well the group worked together and how well I worked with the group. For example, coming to agreements and making final decisions as a group. I will also evaluate how organised the group was as well as myself and figure out what we could have done better.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)
Tavistock place – Library


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