‘The others’ Final Piece


This image was inspired by the way people perceive body image and how social media has made us feel insecure about our own bodies. Since the second world war, the media has held up a thinner body image as the ideal for women. And in a survey from the National Heart, Lung and Blood institute – that is still ongoing – 40 percent of 9 to 10 year old girls have tried to lose weight and as that age increases, so does the percentage. From the age of 13, 53 percent of girls are unhappy with their bodies and once again that number increases to 78 percent by the time they are 17 according to this study. There has also been a massive increase of eating disorders and suicides since social media has been prominent in the UK and other countries.


Through the different images/compositions I have used here, I wanted to portray a feeling of self doubt and the subject in the image is comparing herself to everyone else and the celebrities she sees via social media and therefore making her feel as if she is not good enough, needs to lose weight or change her appearance in some way which is just the way it shouldn’t be and I believe society needs to change the way it portrays body image.

Brief steps on how I edited the image :

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