Plastic And Pollution

There is such a high demand for plastic and very slowly it is killing our world. Over the last ten years we have produced more plastic than during the whole of the last century. Almost eight million tons of plastic enters the ocean each year and on the average, will not decompose for another 450 years. Not only does this mean that there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans by 2050, but almost 1/4 of fish that are caught have plastic in them. The amount of plastic we produce is increasing and yet we have no where to put it. Since China stopped importing plastic waste from other countries the plastic we produce is filling up in dramatic fashion and yet the UK still continues to produce tons of unnecessary plastic, like packaged cucumber, whats that about?

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I believe for my final piece I will try and focus on the way that plastic pollution is not only ruining our beaches and killing animals but has started effecting us and is becoming even worse. I may try and film something short as we have been focusing on moving image but I would also like to capture the theme via a few images which I will put first before the moving image attempt.

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