FMP Proposal | First Draft

Unit 8 – Project Proposal

Name Zakariah
Pathway Photography
Project Title
Section 1: Rationale 
I’ve decided to focus on music and the things that associate music with like being confident for example. I have never really ventured into music in the way that I believe I will for this project. I’d like to focus on artists that inspire me and their backgrounds + the challenges they have or may face, the photographers that have shot them, feelings that come with performances as well as my own. I feel the best way to produce this piece of work would be through film as well as photography hence why I will be attempting both. I will make sure I work as hard as I can within this project so that I can finish before the deadline and can go through my work. I will be constantly evaluating everything I do to produce the best quality of work that I can.
Section 2: Project Concept 
I am aiming to explore different things that link to music. I’d like to do research on music artists, music photographers, historic music images and feelings that come with performing and writing songs. I would like to produce a piece of film along with images that link to my theme of music. I want to represent my chosen topic in a way that nobody has done before which is why I will be focusing on the feelings aspect of writing and specifically performing songs as well as the other parts that link to music. I think this will be more interesting to watch as I believe the things I will talk about (confidence, anxiety etc) are quite relatable for people of all ages. As well as this I would like to produce some sort of character profile with images shot.
Section 3: Evaluation 
 I hoping to achieve a video and images that challenge me with my music as well as my photography and film making abilities. I feel like I will know I have achieved what I would like to achieve when it is apparent I have put myself in some sort of vulnerable position to do with my own music, highlighted emotions and feelings that come with performing and produce a high level film and character profile.

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