Casey Neistat | Storytelling

Casey Neistat was born on the 25th of march, 1981. He is an American YouTube personality, filmmaker, vlogger, and founder of the Youtube series titled, 368.

Neistat was born in Gales Ferry, Connecticut and he ended up dropping out of high school during his junior year/year eleven at age 16 and did not return to school or graduate. He eventually left his family and had a son named Owen, at age 17, with his then-girlfriend. He moved around trailer parks for a few years struggling to provide until HBO offered him and his brother a sum of around two million dollars for a series they had been creating. Later on, he then changed the way people tell stories via his youtube channel whilst creating his own company which was bought by CNN in 2016 for 25 million dollars.

The video above is probably my favourite he has created in recent years, even though it is probably not his best. I believe the way he tell his stories through his media of choice is really inspiring to me as I’ve always liked telling stories through any media and for the last few years specifically video and photography. I am aiming to produce a video that is a similar style to Casey’s feature videos as he likes to use voice overs and I’d like to do the same for parts of my video.

One criticism of Casey’s cinematography that I had was that not all of his movies/videos were very clean, clear or colour corrected well. Now obviously having the highest quality of video does not necessarily mean that the video is going to be amazing, to me it’s all about the story but I’d like to make sure that each shot is a crisp as possible and less ‘vlog’ like. I feel as if by doing this the video will feel more professional and will have a little bit more substance to it rather than a video that means well but looks grainy and unprofessional.

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