Experiment Shoot One | In The Style Of Oldham

Experiment Shoot One.

This is my first experiment shoot out of three. It’s based mainly on Tom Oldham’s work as a lot of his most notable images are shot in the studio.

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I believe the main aim of this shoot was to basically get back into the studio again and start shooting with all the equipment. This is because I hadn’t been in the studio for a while and wanted to refresh my memory on a few things. I obviously made a few mistakes like the backdrop not being evenly lit and my model not being in centre frame but my only real objective was to get a shot similar to one of Tom Oldhams as images specifically his Alex Turner shot.

The editing process was fairly simple with this shoot as I wasn’t happy with the images before post production I decided to mix and match with the way I edited each individual image, hence the non existent theme for the collection of images.

There was one part of the shooting process I particularly enjoyed afterwards as I was not to keen on being in the images myself but with some convincing I decided to go for it and was not to bothered when having my photo taken in the end which was surprising.

I am pretty certain that my character profile images will not be shot in a studio however, if for whatever reason I change my mind and want a few images in the studio then I am certain I can produce a decent set of images as even though in my opinion the shoot didn’t really go that well from a technical stand point, I am sure the same mistakes wont be made as I will take that shoot more seriously.

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