Dave Mckean

Dave McKean was born in Taplow, Berkshire in 1963. He attended Berkshire College of Art and Design from 1982-86 and, before leaving, started working as an illustrator.

He has contributed many illustrations to The New Yorker, Playboy and other magazines, and promotional work for the films Blade, Alien Resurrection, The King is Alive, Dust and Sleepy Hollow. Also, a set of Mythological Creatures stamps from the Royal Mail.

He has even created concept illustrations for the 2nd and 3rd Harry Potter films, and worked on film and production design for one of Elton John’s Broadway musical.

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Although I am not a fan of this style of work I can certainly see how difficult and challenging it is to create, especially the illustrative side as I have no patience when things don’t go my way whilst designing or drawing. And even though I am not a fan of this dark and creepy style of work I do like the way most of the images flow and how the colours blend together to make something almost startling to look at. The illustrations make me want to draw and sketch more of my own style which is nice because I could possibly use them in my photography work.

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