Scanner Art Project

ScanEdit1  Scan  TunnelShootE9

This is the image that I created today. It’s obviously nothing special but I think I was able to show and understand how to use the scanners and what to do once you have your JPEG or TIFF downloaded from the scanner itself. To keep a long story short, all I had to do was layer the Images, add the colour range tool onto the scanned item, select what I wanted to be selected, delete the selection from the layer below and the the image of my model was able to be seen.

If you’re wondering how we got our scanned items; The scanned item was made via a piece of paper and emulsion (light sensitive) paint which was then scanned.

I really enjoyed this scanning workshop, I even tried to 3D scan my shoe which was quite fun. I shall definitely be using the scanner in projects to come and when creating  a collection of textures for other shoots or any random edit I decide to do.



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