Commercial Enterprise Proposal

Project Proposal

Name Zakariah Fikri
Pathway Photography
Project Title Commercial Enterprise
Section 1: Rationale (Approx 150 words)
Last year I worked on a bunch of different things like my FMP, which looking back at my feedback I know I should create more evidence to back up what my projects are about. I want to learn a few different techniques for when I’m actually shooting which will help me for many shoots in the future. Hopefully I will find techniques that will help me with night time photography/low light shots and also I’d like to use flash triggers more and learn how to make them light up your subject without it being so obvious that you have used one. I’m also going to work on the way I write about images etc. I’d like that to improve and for my FMP for example I’ll make sure I use a lot of evidence and more experimental shoots.
Section 2: Project Concept (approx 250 words)
During this term I am aiming to do a few different things. This will include going on as many shoots as I can and focusing on action type photography and music photography. Specifically going to all sorts of gigs and other events and whilst doing this pursuing paid work for this commercial enterprise module. The shoots and image I create will go towards my portfolio and university interviews. Speaking of university I will make sure I find a course/courses that is specific to what I enjoy and apply to them. For example, commercial photography/film or some sort of music degree. Over the time that I am going out and shooting at gigs and action sport events I will hopefully have enough images to use for my portfolio but I will only use them if they are of a high standard. I’d also like to make films for my portfolio and in general especially since I have been accepted into the BFI film academy program which will be a lot of fun and will definitely help me improve my film making. If I decide to focus on film and photography I will still continue to create as much music as I can with the free time I have. I am also thinking about creating/re starting my social media accounts and uploading song, films, photography and anything that will help advertise the things that I enjoy and if I do end up doing this I will take it very seriously and be as consistent as I possibly can be which will mean working with my busy schedule but I really like the idea of it.
Section 3: Evaluation (approx 100 words)

LO3 Be able to use evaluation in support of art and design activity for an identified audience.

For my design to sell project. I will find my target audience whilst having a variety of things to sell. This could mean printing my designs onto T-Shirts or long sleeves and then having a variety of images that are framed which link to the T-Shirt designs or it could be completely random. In regards to the university and portfolio work I have to make myself as organised as possible so a slight change in routine will probably be a good idea. A new routine will also work well if I decide to re start my social media accounts, treating them as more of a business.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format) (2017). Christopher Eccleston. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Mar. 2017].
Lots of lovely Harvard referenced sources will be included here.
Are you referencing this correctly?  Where are you getting this research from?  (If it is just online sources – that’s BAD)Are you using books, articles, and professional sources?  (If it is just wiki – that’s also BAD.)Are you using primary sources, market research?  

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