Legal Forms, Copyright and how to approach a client.

Research –

The average UK photographer earns around £18,000 per year. And most photographers in the Plymouth area will agree on a sum of around 250 pounds per day, some times less and some times more. If you are a student photographer it is likely you will ask for around half this price and the same rules apply, sometimes more and sometimes less.

This will help with commercial enterprise and you can use it to protect international property rights.

These are the notes I made during the copyright and legal forms session.

Legal forms :
– Commercial work these are needed.
– Copyright stuff is to protect your images
Some of the forms are :
1. Commission estate (factor in time spent and additional costs) an average photographers daily rate would be good to research. Break everything down for costs etc.
2. Commission invoice (how much they need to pay and when they need to do it by.) all communication via email and if you use social media, keep it formal. Normally it’s standard practise to have a clause around the payment being paid in 30 days.
3. License to use (what I am allowing the client to do with my work. Dont hand your copyright over. Period of use so how long they are allowed to use it for. Maximising profit if they need the similar images after the period of use if up. (Who’s allowed to use if for how long and what are the copyright terms n conditions)
4. Model release (terms and conditions. Never give raw files to anyone, always hand over processed images unless it’s for a big brand. Under 18 need parent or guardian to sign.
5. Risk assessment (when I do shoots for commercial enterprice do a risk assessment form google classroom) it is to identify any hazards so that everyone is safe.

Make a reflective post.

Insurance for equipment. Public liability insurance, you have insurance to protect yourself. (Get this)

This is the association of photographers website that will help. This will help you work out what you may charge for jobs and other things.

Copyright – if you are freelance you have your license to use its is yours you won he copyright. How to copyright – use the symbol, word copyright with a date, name of copyright owner, digital watermark (don’t watermark portfolio) even if you don’t copyright it you’ve agreed the copyright so therefore it is still copyrighted.

When you take images into social media it’s still your images but you are now giving them permission to use your images and other users.

Alt G will give you the copyright symbol.

How to approach a client

In simple steps (Not in any specific order)  :

  1. Identify a problem and offer a solution
  2. What you are looking for and why
  3. What you can offer
  4. What you want in return
  5. Research your client (what is there goal and target audience etc.)
  6. How you could be the solution
  7. Try to be neither too formal or informal when Emailing them.
  8. Get to the point quickly
  9. Showcase your offering.
  10. Clearly outline how you could add value.


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