Studio Lighting Refresher Task

For this task me and a group of others had to run through a lighting refresher. We had to set up the backdrop and experiment with different types of lighting, meaning we had to adjust the lights and change the types of lighting used each time.

One of this styles of lighting is called ‘Badger Lighting’. Which is where the subject has a stripe of shadow going down the middle of their face and the either sides of his face have caught the light. This creates a stripe effect, hence the name ‘badger lighting’. 

These are the edits my group created

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I really like the image our group created and how they where edited in post. I think the black and white works really well with the types of lighting we where creating via different lighting setups. The image of me however; I do like from a photographers standpoint but as I am not to keen on the camera being pointed at my face – hence why I am a photographer – I wish someone else was the model but that being said the light reflection in one of the images made me laugh and I should have probably warn my contact lenses.

My favourite image out of the four is the image of Erin. I love the way half of his face is highlighted and I think it really draws you in to the focal point which is his eyes in my opinion. I wish I could remember who shot this image but unfortunately I can’t. I also think they have framed his well and is all around a cleanly shot image.

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