Location Lighting Task


During this session we our class had to go off in groups and practise shooting images using the flash trigger. Note that this was outside and not in the studio which I had never done before and really looked forward to.

I think I created some good images and these are my two edits.

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Aesthetically, I think these images are completely different even though they where shot in the same location. This is down to post production. With Sterenn having been my model many times before I knew I wanted to do something slightly different and it just so happened that when shooting in the coffee shop there where some really harsh light coming from the window – creating nicely positioned shadows – and yet the room was rather dark. I think I used this to my advantage highlighting only some of my models face keeping him in focus and his background too.

I actually shot the image of Merryn before the one of Sterenn and I would describe that image as a stereotypical image for me as I love shooting portraits with the use of a nice depth of field which I think I have done here.

When editing both images in post I proceeded to change the primary colour settings, changing the hue and its saturation which I normally experiment with but not to this extent. I think for Sterenn’s image for example I have given it a old film type feel whilst keeping it modern at the same time.

To add come context it was this slide on Photoshop or Lightroom for both image I really played with Green and Blue Primary. (This screenshot is not from my edits)

Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 10.56.21

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