PCA BA Hons Fine Art Photography VS Commercial Photography (Progression)

PCA BA Hons Fine Art Photography VS Commercial Photography

In an overall summary, the Fine Art at Plymouth course is characterised by its focus on the development of individual practice-based study, within the supportive context of an independent specialist art college. Where as the Commercial Photography degree has been designed for the next generation of visually expressive commercial photographers.

The commercial degree gives you the broad range of skills that you’ll need, which includes “technical excellence with visual awareness, creativity, innovation, business acumen and enterprise.”

The commercial course is more of a digital based course as they do not teach any film related photography however there is nothing stopping someone from shooting, progressing and involving film photography in their briefs and final pieces etc.

The Fine Art course on the other hand gives you many an opportunity to shoot using film and a lot of the student do. But the same rules apply for this course if you want to shoot more digital photography then this is as applicable as shooting on film during the course.

I think I have made up my mind between the two, I would rather focus on the commercial course as you are taught how to go out find clients and make money via the skills amalgamation of skills you have learned from the course. I also feel that if I did apply for the course it would help me with the other things I am interested in like music and film making much more than the Fine Art degree.


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