Erik Johansson Style Shoot

This is the image I have created for this Erik Johansson style shoot and as you can see it is nothing like Johansson’s work which is to be expected. However I was not expecting to struggle with this exercise as much as did and will definitely be going through my notes again.


This being said I enjoyed working with photoshop in this way however I don’t think I will be shooting much like this in the future unless I really plan and think through how I am going to do each part of the shoot and post production to make it as easy as possible for myself.

To make this image I took a simple shot of Henry and added him on to a stock image of London. This meant selecting Henry, cutting him out and pasting him onto the image and then making a shadow with the same image.

If I were to do a shoot like this again I will be way more prepared and like I mentioned make sure everything is as simple as possible so I am just following my own instructions. I also think the image I will make will be much more simple but hopefully pleasing to the eye.

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