Steve’s Tintype Adventures (Notes)

Its about investigating into something. Documenting a journey and opening a door to the highest possible grades.


TINTYPES : Collodion wet plate photography, they are one off images that are made on plate which use to be metal but now aluminium.

Steve is doing a masters degree up at tavistock place and he focused on wet plate photography.

Wet Plate is a very hands on photography style. It demands attention,

skill and craft. Invented in 1851, then replaced by daguerreotype

and then was replaced by gelatine dry plates

Unrivalled for luminosity but unable to reproduce from

coated, sensitised, exposed and developed within 10 minutes

must be prepped, shot and processed on location.

ISO equivalent of 0.5

Wet plate photography is more about craftsmanship rather than the result. Its about taking time and working with your hands.



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