The Agency Commercial Work

The Agency is an organisation that is ran by my college, Plymouth College of Art and they sell all sorts of awesome things. Kamal who runs the agency and chooses what they sell cam down to the pre degree site where I work and gave our class a lecture which involved the opportunity to work for the agency.

Having realised this would be a great idea to go towards my commercial enterprise unit me, Henry, Sterenn and Issac decided to put our names down. This being said Issac and Henry ended up not showing so me Hollie and Sterenn decided to make a group.

The task was fairly simple, all we had to do was take some images of the products that kamal had provided for us. He wanted us to shoot all of the images with a white backdrop and frame the products well which surprisingly was harder to shoot than we thought it would be. I believe this was because of the type of products we had to shoot but apart from that I enjoyed the shoot quite a lot and I believe kamal also like the images that we edited (on the day) for him.

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