Yellow Days And Wonky Logic Gig

It was cold night in either November or October I cant remember and me, Abbey LaMatin, the Big TMP along with Gackary Zorton went to watch the man the myth the legend… Yellow Days!

We had traveled four hour on across the land, with the big TMP leaving his phone in the hometown and the rest of us hungry bastards complaining over dead legs we finally made it into the place they call Bristol. after a smashing mooch around the town we arrived at the Thekla (our true destination) half an hour before the doors even opened. No one was outside… But then Yellow Days appeared out of bloody nowhere! He walked up to his van walked in after two seconds walked out with what can only be described as NOT the devils lettuce and after we walked up to his said hello as ya do he walked off with his band mates into the darkness. I WILL ALWAYS REGRET NOT GETTING A PHOTO WITH HIM… IDIOT.

The couple hour wait was wonderful but soon enough the Gig had started. A man called wonky logic rocked up on his lonesome and played some cracking tunes if I do say so myself. And my god when Yellow Days come on did I nearly faint.

All jokes aside these are some of the images I took from the gig I was able to get so many that I ended up with over 200 final edited versions but obviously I am not going to put all of them onto here as well it would take ages and who’s actually going to read this anyway.

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I really enjoyed shooting the images not only because I got to meet yellow days but they were really fun to edit as well which is always great.

Here are my next edits which are my interpretation of yellow days’ style if you look at his EP covers you may understand a little more. I hope you like them.

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