Evaluation Of The Unit 10 Presentation

I believe there are three main things that I need to work on to help my presentation skills.

Here are the main three things I need to work on :

  1. Confidence
  2. Explanation
  3. Creation of presentation

During the presentation I believe I was confident when speaking however when it comes to feeling confident on the presentation itself I was not. I think that if I was more prepared I would feel better about it and to do this I will make sure I give myself enough time to prepare. Which I’m sure won’t be a problem because I am assuming I was have enough time when it comes to my FMP.

I think that I can improve my explanation skills by using very similar techniques from improving my confidence. I need to give myself enough time so that I have something to talk about. I went in to the last presentation and for a few slides had to blag myself through. When it comes to the FMP however I am sure this won’t be a problem as I have so much to say about my chosen project but I need to make sure I have enough notes just incase I get stuck and need something to prompt me. I also think asking the audience questions is a good way of creating interesting conversation, settle nerves and help the presentation flow a little bit more.

When it comes to creating the presentation I don’t think I did too badly, I had a clear theme but not enough slides and some of the slides were filled with to much information. Short and to the point sentences would be a better option so that I can talk about them in more detail and the audience can then focus on what I am saying rather than the massive paragraph on the slideshow.

Overall I think I did okay as I wasn’t to nervous knew enough to say about my chosen topic and didn’t waste time. I think all the points I have mentioned above will help me improve a step up and make me a little bit more relaxed when it comes to presenting again.

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